Exterior view of the Canada Post head office in Ottawa, OntarioExterior view of the Canada Post head office in Ottawa, OntarioExterior view of the Canada Post head office in Ottawa, Ontario

Responsible business practices

Corporate governance

Canada Post is a federal Crown corporation, reporting to Parliament through the Minister of Public Services and Procurement. The Corporation’s single shareholder is the Government of Canada. As the provider of a core public service, Canada Post is committed to maintaining high corporate governance standards and ensuring that we can deliver on our mandate while creating lasting value for Canadians and our stakeholders.

Learn more about our leadership and corporate governance

ESG governance

At Canada Post, we recognize that strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles are central to operating a successful business. Our goal is to extend responsibility for sustainability and ESG best practices from the Board of Directors to employees at all levels across the company.

ESG-related policies and practices

ESG considerations are integrated into the policies and principles that govern our business, strengthening our commitment to social and environmental leadership. Some of these policies include:

Aerial view of a person in a red coat standing on top of a snowy mountain overlooking a forested valley with a blue lake

Responsible investment

The Canada Post Corporation Registered Pension Plan integrates ESG factors into its investment strategy while maintaining focus on returns for employees and pensioners. Our approach is based on the belief that long-term value creation requires effective management of environmental and social risks and opportunities, and that good governance leads to better returns.

Visit the Canada Post Pension Plan website

Sustainable procurement

We promote and uphold high standards in our supply chain by applying environmental and social criteria as part of our supplier selection process. This includes criteria that support Indigenous-owned suppliers.

Explore our sustainable procurement strategy

Review the Canada Post Supply Chains Act Report

A Canada Post truck drives along Coal Harbour with the Vancouver city skyline in the background